MEANEST MOTHER (and MY FATHER) provide humorous looks at parenthood through the eyes of a child in various stages of development. Each skit resolves as the speaker ultimately understands the parent and why rules are needed to live by. Each monologue is approximately 3 minutes long.
A Dozen Decisions, One True God is a series of 12 monologues by women in the Bible considering the decisions they made. (Salome, Delilah, Sapphira, Eve, Job's wife, Sarah, Queen Esther, Bathsheba, the Hebrew midwives Puah and Shiprah, Rahab the prostitute and Ruth) as they ask themselves "What if...." or regretfully look back with "If only I had ...". These are tied together with Joel 3:14 (Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision! For the day of the LORD is near in the valley of decision.) Doubling and tripling possible. Run time approximately 20 minutes.
The Genealogy of Jesus: A Mother's Day program that emphasizes how with God all things are possible. Jesus' lineage contains many women not expected to have children due to barrenness, widowhood or other circumstances. See the power of God working through mothers throughout the ages. Characters: up to 25; run time: 20 minutes My Father - a short humorous monologue about rules and the consequences of ignoring them. Mothers & Sons - based on Acts 12. Women gather in Mary's kitchen as the church prays for Peter's release. Mothers discuss how hard it is to have sons being persecuted for their beliefs in Jesus the Messiah. Two versions. Cast of 5 or 6 women and 1 girl. Proverbs 31 Collection features 4 scripts (choral readings and reader's theaters with and without pantomime) focusing on mothers and wives. |
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